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Hands-On Physical Therapy That Gets Results

This has been the slogan for Foothills Sports Medicine almost since the development of the first clinic. It was meant to convey the message that as Physical Therapists at Foothills we are skilled in manual techniques. We focus on using those skills to help our patients return to the level of health and activity that they were prior to their injury or condition. When it comes to our patient’s physical health and pain-free mobility, a full recovery is our focus and our target. A Foothills therapist will always take a hands-on approach to your pain and your full recovery. We don’t believe a good enough recovery is good enough, our goal is to do everything we can to help you get your full, healthy life back, and that’s our Full Recovery Focus.

Human touch, just the act of touching brings benefits beyond what the technical skills accomplish.

therapist hands on physical therapy with patientIt turns out that what we inherently knew to be beneficial was even more than we thought. Touch has been known to decrease blood pressure, increase dopamine production, decrease anxiety and improve immune response. All things that could lead to better healing and recovery.

As Physical Therapists, our hands are used for many things. We gather the information that helps us identify the condition or diagnosis. We render a treatment to remedy that diagnosis. But we also form a bond that allows the patient to heal better. By building that bond we allow the patient to tap into their own natural mechanisms to heal.
We also know that infants who are deprived of touch fail to thrive. This is compared to their counterparts who receive regular touch especially from their parents, but also hospital staff.

These facts are now in direct competition from the reality of the world we now live.

Humans are less likely now to have a physical connection than in years past. With social media and online connections, we are not as likely to engage with others in the same way we used to. In healthcare, we are more pressed for time due to decreasing reimbursement rates and rising costs. The time we get with patients is becoming less and less. We try to maximize what we need to do for the patient by prioritizing what we do. Unfortunately, one-on-one contact is lost easily and the touch that is needed is replaced with something deemed more important.
Physical therapist working on a patients kneeBy taking a hands-on approach to healing we are committed to spending the time with the patients and promise to not neglect the touch aspect that helps us build that bond. As well, tap into the needed physical responses to help the patient. “Hands-on therapy that gets results” is more than a slogan and it is the reason that we do get the results we get. It is a commitment to the patient that we will take the time to deliver the care that is needed, even in a world environment that is moving away from the touch that heals.
At Foothills Sports Medicine Physical Therapy, we provide hands-on physical therapy that will positively impact the lives of our patients. Foothills is local to the Phoenix area and for over 20 years we have helped more than 500,000 patients get out of pain and back to doing the things they love. Whether you have suffered a sports injury, injured at work, hurt in an auto accident, or are experiencing pain and discomfort our physical therapists will work with you to ease your transition towards recovery. Contact any of our valley-wide locations to request an appointment or schedule a free Rapid Recovery Injury Assessment.

See how Foothill’s Full Recovery Focus can help you get your life back.

We are Arizona’s most trusted provider for physical therapy and sports-related injuries for over twenty years. To schedule an appointment with a Foothills therapist that will give you hands-on care contact a location near you! 

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