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Summer Tips to Keep Your Kids Active

Stuck in a rut with your kids this summer? Don’t let them slip into a video game-induced coma. Here are some summer tips to keep your kids active (mentally and physically) through the sweltering heat. And who knows? It might get you (the parent) moving and having fun too!

Summer is here, which means, ‘California here we come! Well, maybe for some of us and, if lucky, for a week or two. But the remaining summer days present a challenge of what to do with our kids.  Keeping them active can be tough, especially when it reaches 115 degrees outside.

Try to consult directly with them when exploring the possibilities of keeping kids engaged.  Their responses will speak volumes as to the challenges we face as parents.  It stimulates their minds, keeps them moving, and encourages health and well-being activities. The first thought is typically the pool. Swimming is a great activity that will certainly fatigue your kids. But it does get hot out; eventually, they will want something else.  Another common staple is the television.  However, allowing our kids to camp out in front of the TV or mobile streaming device for hours can lead to disengagement, and suddenly all other ideas become “boring.”

Children walking in a line at summer camp.

There are scores of camps around the valley that range from general activities to those focusing on specific topics such as music, art, space, or sports.  Camps generally last between one and nine weeks.  Many of the “themed” camps last only a couple of hours a day.

Additional Tips to Keep Your Kids Active this Summer

Arrange play dates.  When kids are with friends, they have a way of creating excitement.  Siblings seem less likely to argue and develop social skills, benefiting them later in life.  Encourage your kids to write and direct their play and be their enthusiastic audience.

Introduce a new board game.  Games teach math skills, planning, spelling, thought, and creativity.

Get moving.  Encourage young ones to exercise with you and get creative.  Pick music your kids like, pump it up on the stereo, and dance.  Who cares if it’s Justin Bieber and you are playing the same song eight times in a row? Your kids will have a blast, especially when they see you letting loose and acting like a kid again.

Mom and child dancing.

Visit a local craft store.  Books and kits teach how to make several paper airplanes and origami figurines.  Kids also may like trying out the craft jewelry kits.

Chill out.  There are abundant “cool” things around town in air-conditioned buildings, such as ice skating, rock climbing, and indoor play areas.  The Science Center has several interactive rooms.  The Musical Instrument Museum is beautiful and entertaining and has an area where kids can play many instruments on display.

Hit the road.  Plan a day or overnight trip by exploring your state map.  Many state parks have ruins, petroglyphs, gold mines, and ghost towns. Keep in mind that timing is essential due to the summer heat. It is important to remember that keeping kids active requires thought and some planning by you.  Sometimes our children need to be guided through the day, which means getting involved.  But that is what makes it even more fulfilling for everyone!

Boy running to mother's arms in the nature.

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