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3 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues by Staying Healthy

From flu season to painful office injuries requiring Phoenix physical therapy, it can be easy to let those everyday aches and pains turn into a full on case of the winter blues.
But between family dinners and last minute holiday shopping, the last thing you want to do is feel anything but your best.
To help you shake the winter blues once and for all, we’ve come up with three healthy living tips so you can stay on your feet and out of the doctor’s office this holiday season:

1. Get up and get moving: The most important step to take is to stay active this winter. Though the afternoons may be cooler, don’t shy from the sunshine – take a walk, go for a run, or spend the day playing outdoors with the family.

2. Eat well: Between turkey legs and apple pies, it can be easy to get off track and feel less than your best. And while there’s nothing wrong with splurging every now and then, be sure to maintain a well-balanced diet by incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and important grains.

3. Relax: Our Phoenix physical therapy experts know – stress can take its toll on the body. And the holiday season is certainly no stranger to stress. Combat tight shoulders and tired joints by taking some time out of your busy day to just relax. Schedule a yoga class, add some stretching into your daily routine, or take a few minutes every day to spend a little time just doing you.

To read additional healthy living tips or to speak with an experienced Tempe physical therapy professional today, visit us at

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