Foothills Sports Medicine Physical Therapy is a group of locally owned healthcare providers whose focus on hands-on therapy and individualized care ensures your recovery and growth. You can schedule a free assessment of your therapy needs by going online here today. For more information about how physical therapy could benefit you, visit our blog!
Doug Meyrose has been a valued member of our Scottsdale physical therapy community for years. He is dedicated to providing individualized treatment plans and challenging his patients to achieve the best results. Here he provides a reflection of his clinic’s impact in the Scottsdale community, and what its future holds.
As we begin 2016, I reflect on how the Foothills Sports Medicine North Scottsdale physical therapy clinic has become what it is today. We have grown into becoming an integral part of the community. Through our patient and client-centered approach, we have become the go-to place for many of our neighbors who find themselves in need of physical therapy and personal training.
When I joined Foothills Sports Medicine six years ago, my hope was to help make the North Scottsdale clinic a physical therapy staple in the community. We strive constantly to be recognized as a place that our patients want to go for physical therapy care and personal training services. We feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of many people, and to have the opportunity to improve their quality of life.
Over the years, our therapy and training programs have continued to grow. We have significantly expanded our personal training facility, FAST, this past year. In addition to offering a FAST staff of highly trained and educated sports trainers, we are now offering an extraordinary, open training space that provides a variety of state-of-the-art training resources for our clients.
We work to foster an atmosphere of healing for those who have had an injury, surgery, or who simply strive to improve their overall physical conditioning and health. Certainly, the most significant attribute of our clinic is our staff, which works to offer an encouraging and supportive environment for our patients. All our physical therapists possess doctorate degrees, but more importantly, they outwardly demonstrate a passion for their work.
The true testament of our positive influence in the community is the feedback we receive from our patients and clients on a daily basis. Below are some examples that come from excerpts of recent Yelp reviews that highlight excellent patient experiences:
“Everyone at Foothills was knowledgeable on my injury, my progress, and my goals and they pushed me to a speedy recovery” – D.S.
“The injury and recovery plan explanations were not only adept, they were thorough and understandable” – S.D.
“The staff is so friendly and attentive that they make you want to do your work outs. They are hand-on and know just how to use their knowledge” – G.M.
I feel fortunate to be able to help members of our community, and look forward to many years of improving the quality of life for those with whom we come in contact. We wish you all the best in 2016 – but if you’re not feeling your best, let us help you get there.
Take care,
Doug Meyrose, PT, DPT
What 2016 Holds For Our Scottsdale Physical Therapy Clinic