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Tips for Sticking to Your Resolutions Throughout the Year

by Alexander Rodriguez del Villar PT, DPT | Arrowhead

The New Year is here, which means that many of us are making resolutions to become the best we can be. Whether your goal(s) relates to your mental or physical health, our physical therapy clinics are here to help you stick to it so you can achieve your goals in the new year.

SMART Goals Graphic
  1. Make SMART Goals

SMART is an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. When making your resolution this year, using this acronym will help you achieve your goal. Instead of committing to “exercise more this year,” make your resolution SMART: “This month, I will walk/run four times a week for 30 minutes.”


S: The resolution is specific and to the point.
M: With a specific goal in mind, it will be easy to measure if you are on track. You will know if you walk for 30 minutes four times a week.
A: Make sure this resolution is achievable. Assess your current health and increase/decrease the exercise as needed.
R: Evaluate how this commitment is realistic in your work and family schedule. You want to achieve the goal but don’t want to neglect other important areas of your life.
T: You are committing to this goal for the entire year

  1. Establish Accountability

Many resolutions fail even before they begin due to a lack of accountability. A SMART goal is the first step, but having someone to share the journey with is one of the best ways to be sure you stick with your plan. Find someone you can trust and who will ask you tough questions about your progress. One possibility would be to find someone with a similar resolution and work together to accomplish it. Bringing someone alongside you as you work toward your goal will provide support, encouragement, and motivation to stick with it.

  1. Persevere

A mental or physical change in your life will require endurance and intentionality — it won’t be effortless. There will likely be rough patches with resolutions that will make you want to quit. Make your goals personal, and have weekly, if not daily, reminders of why you are trying to achieve your resolution. If your resolution has a deeply driven purpose, you will likely stick with it. Be willing to dig deep, fight through temptation with the help of accountability, and make your resolution SMART.

While you’re working towards your goal, an injury with pain may, unfortunately, happen. Our physical therapy clinics can help you get back on track. Start by requesting an appointment at a location near you.

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If you’ve been dealing with a nagging injury or persistent pain, don’t wait any longer. Schedule an appointment with one of our expert physical therapists today.

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