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5 Benefits of Choosing Physical Therapy First

Ethan Anderson, PT, DPT, ATC | Peoria Location

Most people learn the benefits of choosing physical therapy first after rehabilitation from an injury or recovery from surgery. Some even attend therapy on the first day for an initial evaluation without knowing why or how physical therapy will help them. For physical therapists, it’s common to hear, “I don’t know why I’m here; my doctor told me to come.” To understand why you should choose physical therapy first, knowing what it is and how it can help you prevent injuries and improve your overall quality of life is helpful.

What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is a treatment for a disease, injury, or deformity. Physical therapists are movement specialists. Therapists watch how people move and function to predict impairments and observe functional limitations. We evaluate the patient’s tissue flexibility, joint mobility, muscle tone, and strength to find the imbalances, eventually leading to tissue breakdown.

Injuries can occur acutely from trauma injuries or gradually from repetitive actions (particularly twisting, jumping, and deep knee bends). Just as we go to the dentist every six months for cleaning and preventative maintenance and take our car to the mechanic for an oil change, we should treat our bodies with the same care. For example, imagine getting four new tires on your vehicle when the alignment is slightly off. Over time, the more miles driven with repetitive stress causes one tire to wear abnormally, becoming bald on one side. Before you know it, the tire blows out on the freeway without warning. The human body isn’t much different. How often have you heard someone say, “I just bent over to tie my shoe, and my back went out,” or “I reached into the car’s back seat and felt pain/pop in my shoulder”?

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Top 5 Benefits of Choosing Physical Therapy First

1. No Referral is Needed

In some states, patients are required to get a referral, or referrals are needed from a medical doctor to see a physical therapist. Physical therapists are doctors in the science of musculoskeletal medical conditions and are trained to evaluate and treat for an appropriate course of recovery treatment. We start with a personal evaluation of your specific situation and develop an individualized approach to your treatment to restore movement, prevent injuries, and get back to doing what you love. Being able to go directly to physical therapy is cost-effective. For example, a patient avoids paying for a visit to a doctor for a referral, and the doctor may order costly diagnostic tests before determining that physical therapy is the suitable treatment method.

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2. Avoid, Prepare, or Recovery from Surgery

In many cases, if physical therapy can address the reasons contributing to pain, you may be able to avoid surgery altogether. In most cases, it’s imperative to have physical therapy before surgery to build joint strength. The stronger you go into surgery, the stronger you will come out. Post-surgery: recovering from a surgical procedure can be long and daunting. At Foothills, we have a Full Recovery Focus™ because full injury recovery should be the target.

One benefit of choosing physical therapy first is improving strength.

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3. Improves Mobility, Flexibility, and Strength

Suppose you have difficulty standing, walking, or transitioning, such as moving from sitting to standing. In that case, exercises to improve flexibility and strength can improve your ability to move more quickly, making everyday activities more enjoyable. Physical therapists can help identify areas where you are not moving correctly, predispose you to future injury, and correct those movements to keep you injury-free.

4. Helps Prevent and Improve Recovery from Injuries

Physical therapists understand how muscle imbalances and joint or soft tissue restrictions can increase the risk of a sports-related injury. They can design a program to address and reduce potential risk factors for your sport. If you have a sports-related injury, from competitive league play or weekend warrior, physical therapists can help you recover to return to your sport more rapidly.

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One benefits of choosing physical therapy is improving balance coordination.

5. Improves Risk of Falling and Balance Coordination

As we age, our risk of falling increases. Physical therapists can identify if you are at high risk for falls. Falls can be reduced with specific exercises that target muscle weaknesses, coordination, and proprioception deficits. Sometimes, loss of balance is related to a condition that affects the vestibular system, such as vertigo. Physical therapy can help improve balance conditions by restoring vestibular function and reducing the risk of falls.

As experts in movement and musculoskeletal conditions, there are many benefits to choosing physical therapy first. If you are looking for a partner in health to help you maximize your movement, manage pain, avoid surgery, and more, contact your local Foothills Sports Medicine Physical Therapy clinic to schedule a FREE evaluation. We will address your concerns, help you prepare for an upcoming surgery, prevent future injuries, and more.

Don't live with pain.

If you’ve been dealing with a nagging injury or persistent pain, don’t wait any longer. Schedule an appointment with one of our expert physical therapists today.

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