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5 Must-Do Stretches Before Your 5K

by Doug Meyrose
PT, DPT | Owner of the North Scottsdale Location

Many runners understand the importance of stretching, but that doesn’t mean they take the time “prerun” to get ready properly. And even if they take the time to loosen up their muscles, they may not be doing the correct stretches—or performing them properly.

While the perfect stretch warmup can vary, five to 10 minutes of performing basic stretches before running is a low investment that reaps big rewards like offsetting potential injuries.

Here are five must-do prerun stretches before your next 5k, 10k, marathon, or run in the park. These dynamic stretches can be done anywhere and will get your body ready to run.

Female athlete on a bench stretching toes.

Female athlete on a bench stretching toes.

#1 Seated Slump Nerve Glides

Sit in slump position (remember, this is the only time you are allowed to slump). Straighten your affected leg out. You may rest it on something if need be. Bring your head down towards your chest and pull your toes up simultaneously. You want to feel a stretch but not pain. Then bring your head up to neutral and let your foot relax.

Repeat 20 Times – Complete 1 Set

Athletic trainer stretching on gym floor.

#2 90/90/90 Hip External Rotation

Sit down and place your legs in the position shown, with a 90-degree bend at each knee joint, and a 90-degree angle at the hips. Lift the back knee towards the ceiling as shown while keeping the heel down. Relax and repeat. Perform on both sides.

Repeat 10 Times – Complete 2 Sets

Athletic trainer stretching on gym floor.

Athletic trainer stretching on gym floor.

#3 Standing Quad Stretch w/ Reach

Place one foot on a stable chair, the other knee slightly bent. Use support as needed. With the same leg being stretched in a chair or bench, raise arm overhead as tolerated. Perform reach across the body to the point of stretch to the front of the thigh. Perform on both sides.

Hold 30 Seconds – Complete 3 Sets

#4 Single Arm Doorway Pec Stretch

Start by having the affected arm flush against the side of the wall at 90 degrees between your arm and torso and also the arm and elbow. Have the opposite leg forward and the other back in a modified lunging stance. Slowly begin to lean forward, and there will be a stretching sensation through the pectoral muscle group of the arm on the wall.

Repeat 3 Times – Hold 30 Seconds – Complete 1 Set

Athletic trainer stretching on gym floor.

Athletic trainer stretching on gym floor.

Athletic trainers stretching in the gym

#5 World’s Greatest Stretch

Lunge forward and then rotate opposite arm up (look up toward palm), push the same arm into lunge leg—alternate lunge leg and arm.

Repeat 10 Times – Hold 5 Seconds – Complete 2 Sets

To prevent injury and hasten recovery, perform these stretches before you pound the pavement, and don’t forget to stretch after your run when your muscles are pliable.

A balanced training routine that strengthens the whole body makes you a better athlete and can also help mitigate injuries and speed up injury recovery. To ensure you are set up with experienced training advice, consult a physical therapist who can provide any information needed to get the biomechanics right on each exercise.

Need a training plan for your next race? 5K, 10K, half marathon, and marathon? Schedule an appointment with a Foothills physical therapist today to lock down a fitness regimen that works best for you.

Meet Doug:

Doug completed his education at St. Louis University in Missouri. He spent the first 7 years of his career in Chicago before moving to Arizona n 2009. Doug aims to individualize a treatment program that will safely challenge each patient within his or her desired tolerance to facilitate healing. When he is not spending time with his wife and three kids, Doug is most actively involved with golf, rugby, running, hiking, and cycling.

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